There are 6 panelists; Michiko, Jirou, Kazuo, Masae, Otaguro, Haruhiko.
Jirou is 55 years old and vegetarian. Kazuo is 45years old stock farmer. Masae is a student. Otaguro is a financial programer and agree with making a theme park. Haruhiko also agree with the opinion.
Statement of topic is financial difficulty. Otaguro and Masae agree with making the theme park. However Jirou and Kazuo don't agree with that opinion. Jirou was worried about the future. Kazuo didn't think it was good to cut down trees. Otaguro's opinion was that making theme park is good for people to have their job. Masae thought theme park would help the town safer, but her grand father is farmer, so she is worried about cutting trees.
The consensus was making another theme park that we can by special product of this district and eat good foods.
Mai, you aren't putting enough effort into your report. You didn't include your opinion which is so important. It shows how well you understood the situation. Please try harder.